So it`s official. October 23rd.
I can`t describe how I feel. My favorite foods and streets, TV shows, hair stylist, restaurants, grocery daily friends and life But where is here? Japan or America? I can`t explain it. I want to go home, but then...I am home...
I feel like I`m on the last leg of a race and my loved ones are cheering me on.
Right now, I`m saying goodbye to my kindred spirits in Tokyo. I`m calling it my Farewell Japan Tour. I`ll be home (Japan home...) on Wednesday.
les mis les mis!!
(one entry too late)
Just spent over an hour looking at all the beautiful pictures you sent. I felt like I was leafing through a National Geographic magazine except that your face kept popping up everywhere! What fantastic memories you will have to cherish and talk about forever. My only problem is that I'm a bit jealous of the deep attachment that you seem to have made with Japan and I feel that I've lost a part of you somehow. Boo Hoo Anyway, I really loved the pictures.
And I love you.
I feel like this was picture was taken long time ago.... but it has been only three days! I'll really miss you... Trying not to look at the photo album of us because they started to makes me cry...
Yay! Can't wait to see you!! don't start nights again until mid-November. Where are you going to be living??
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