Before I left, one of the staff today me that the day before my last day, he wouldn't leave Amity. When his Mom asked his why, he said "I don't want Arden to go!" My Manager said she'd never seen him act that way about a teacher.
Then today I got this e-mail...
This is Itsuki.
How are you?
I miss you.
I am not quite settled in enough to post pictures and updates. But I needed to share that.
かわいい~~♪ and that is sooo sweet of him. He must really liked you! Sound like a very smart boy from what he wrote as his age. Do you remember the little girl from karuizawa? the one spekas with Osake-ben. When she drew a picture of us at the church with a note saying, "わたしは、おねえさん が、大好きです”. I was about to cry!
I met Itsuki when I was out visiting you, remember? I could tell then how much he cared for you! You've always had your brother's affection too.
How sweet!!! I will admit that everyone that I've talked to who is a teacher says that is why they continue to teach! Congrats to you!
I can't wait to hear what the next grand adventure will be. And I know there will be one.
All my best!
how can you handle that?
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