In my mind, there's going to be this period of time in my life of There is nothing to do but let my body heal, my mind relax and eventually, when I feel like it and with no sense of time constraint at all, get around to doing all those little things I've been trying to find time to do (upload pictures, send e-mails, call friends, clean, organize etc). At the end of this time, everything is taken care of and I am completely rested.
Hmmm. Think such a time exists?
I keep hoping. But one things for sure, this "month off" in Japan is definitely not it.
Last weekend I was in Inuyama to stay with my friend at her parent's new house. Then this weekend was a wedding in Kyushu. Friday I leave for a week in Tokyo. Then the next weekend is Yokkaichi and Osaka. And at some point I have to go back to Okazaki to meet up with some friends. And I've been doing some part time teaching at an English day school in Nagoya.
Oh - and I'm sick.
I did manage to upload a great deal of photos.
Let me break them down quickly -
August is host to Obon, one of Japan's major holidays. Amity gives it's teachers a week off for Obon, so Alex, Dawn, Mika and I decided to go vacationing together. We went to Takayama - famous for its beef and ancient Japanese homes - and Kamikochi - a popular vacation spot in the mountains and certainly on of my favorite places in this country.
The second batch of photos are all my farewell photos of all my students.
Check them out. Here. Now. CLICK. Wedding, Tokyo, Inuyama, Random photos will come...later. Are you sick of photos yet?
And in other news, ladies and gentlemen, if all goes as planned, I will be purchasing my plane ticket home tomorrow. The intended return date? October 23rd.
Yes, I want to come home. I want to see my friends and family, eat a turkey sandwich, BUY CLOTHES, drive, have a conversation with a random person on the street, go to the doctor, feel short and not pay $6,000 per minute on my cell phone. But I am so sad to leave this place. So. Sad.
Look forward to a panicked entry after my ticket purchase tomorrow.
P.S. Anyone get the title reference? 10 points if you do.