Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sometimes, it's good to be girly

Today, I was exploring the Japanese countryside with a new friend. As I was walking down a small dirt road, rice paddies on my left and green tea fields on my right, I looked down and saw a small snake.
It looked like the little garden snakes that sometimes make an appearance in Chicago gardens. Trying to impress my new friend, I thought I would not act like a girl and start screaming. Instead, I braced myself and said non-chalantly "Hmm, a snake..." while bravely stepping over it.

As I walked on, commending myself on handling that situation well, my friend looked back and said "Oh! That snake is very dangerous. Deadly poison. It can kill you!"

At which point...I started screaming.


nita said...

jenny and i went to shiraishi island with three other girls over the weekend, and when we went hiking, we saw these giant spiders all over the place, like an inch or two across, spinning huge webs. i walked into a web and was all, 'ew! ew!'... no shame in being girly :P

Anonymous said...

that story was funny but it was the rice patties and green tea fields that got me.
you better be taking lots of pictures, chop.

Anonymous said...

Every time I have a cup of green tea now
I think of you walking by the green tea fields. Hope we get a picture of them and the rice paddies sometime. Just looked at all your pictures again and just love them! As for the snake, that'll teach you not to be nonchalant
when spotting one, right? Gramma

Anonymous said...

LOL, I can totally picture this ;) WHY ARE YOU NOT POSTING THESE IN LJ? Don't make me have to work harder to keep up with you! :p