Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's the little things

Today, laden with books, I arrived at my first Japanese class. Studying a foreign language is always a lesson in humility. The staff speaks to you embarrassingly slow ( which, don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for. And, sometimes, you get put in level that's too high for you, so that you have to inform everyone the room that you need to try an easier class.

But...ever since highschool, I'm happiest when I'm studying this crazy language so despite first day headaches, I had fun. And I can't wait to go back tomorrow.

Exploring on my own today, I started taking pictures and videos of the little things you can't find back in the States. I missed these little things...

On every sidewalk and in many city buildings, the yellow walkway helps to guide the blind (though to be honest, I've never seen ANYONE use it)

Sugar syrup for your coffee

Lines. Honest to goodness lining up.

Chirping crosswalks that let you know when it's time to cross.

The Yakimo man, who drives through the streets singing about his delicious sweet potatoes for sale

I think I'll keep doing this - to share with you all, but also as a keepsake for myself. :)

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Oh, my goodness. All of those sounds and sights just came flooding back into my memory. Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen anyone use the chirping crosswalk, either. I mean, other than us just for the sake of it. :) Miss you!!!