It sounds like a cliche, but I mean it when I say that I don't know where the time has gone. In a sense, my world has been reset. The tastes and sounds and smells of Japan are exactly as they were when I arrived. The deafening sounds of cicada, the melting humidity, the scent of blossoming flowers, the fickle weather, the constant scurrying of insects and geckos, the fireworks festivals. I remember taking it all in for the first time, finding it foreign and yet familiar all at the same time. I feel like I'm back there again, back to the beginning. And yet, I am anywhere but where I was one year ago.
A year ago, I didn't know the myriad of children that would challenge me, delight me and make me adore them.
I didn't know my co-workers who would become my friends
I didn't have a clue about the experiences that awaited me...
Or the adventures I would have...
Or the people that would share those experiences and adventures
I didn't realize that my co-teacher would become would become my closest companion, best friend, daily support, the source of endless laughter and my confidant
And I certainly didn't think that I would find love...
But it happened. All of it. In one year. The world outside may be exactly the same as it was a year ago...but I certainly am not.
Aww...that's really touching. You really have lived in this past year and your life has taken an amazing amount of twists and turns. Though you certainly have changed, one thing about you hasn't: that you are still a beautiful, smart, confident, amazing woman. You have braved a lifetimes of experiences and growth in one short year. You are and continue to be more of the aforementioned than ever before. Like your mom said, I'm so proud of you.
What a beautiful "documentary" of your year in Japan. As the old
Virginia Slim's cigarette ads used to say "You've come a long way, baby!"
I pray that the time you spend out there will forever be an asset to whatever you undertake after returning home. God Speed! Your ever-lovin' Gramma
It's amazing how much you have done and how far you have come in the last year! I love the post! Definitely a great tribute and wonderful recap.
I can't wait to hear what is next on your plate. It is bound to be something exciting. :)
Remember that Dawn's family isn't the only one in the Denver area. (hint, hint)
That is so beatufiul and touching.... It tells me that the people around you really made your stay in Japan special, (including me?? haha : )), and it all happened because you really are bright, attractive and funny! person who always draw people closer to you... and they too get to share some of your shiny, amazking spirit. What a blessing! I will chase you to Chicago when you leave to get some laugh!
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