This morning, I spoke with my Mom just long enough to learn that she was safely at home, laying in "my" bed, watching 24 (big surprise there!). I can hardly believe she has already come and gone!
I won't presume to say how the trip went for her, but I as for myself I was sooo happy to finally see my Mom and get the chance to show her all the places and people that mean so much to me. We cram packed a lot into just one short week...various and sundry places in Okazaki, the ocean in Hamamatsu, the temples and old market in Kyoto and of course the sights and sounds of Tokyo! I feel like I could really use a vacation after my...vacation. :)

Even though I cried when we said goodbye, I was able to rest in the knowledge that (God willing!) I will be home in just a few short months.
Now I'm just settling back into the routine of work and preparing for the next enslaught of...insanity. Rainy season in Japan, parent observations at school, starting to look for a job back in Chicago and...maybe a trip to Thailand? Yeah, my plate's full. Anyone shocked?